I am drawn to the natural world: alive, mysterious, organic, and meditative. 

I grew up in New York City where people and bikers and cars zoom by you in a hurry; where sounds of all kinds perform like a bad orchestra; where advertisements posted left and right try to convince you of what to think or buy.

Whenever I left the city as a kid I noticed I felt different. Happier. More curious. At ease. More connective with others.

When leaving home at eighteen, I sought out life among the trees and lakes.

Since then, in moments of heartache and challenging tears, my body and spirit lead me to a tree to sit against or lean on. I immediately feel held and comforted. These days, when I’m feeling disconnected from myself, or the world around me, I go for a walk, the trees tucking me in.

I’m still learning how to listen and communicate with the natural, organic world, but I continue to be drawn towards the life that lives there. When I draw, I observe, and when I observe I get to know whatever my subject is a little bit better. I see what I wouldn’t typically see as I pass by.